The month of September is considered Life Insurance Awareness month across the country and you may see increased marketing around the subject matter. In an effort to highlight life insurance at Partners, with the help of our insurance partners, we put together a campaign tactic focusing on the real cost of insurance which continues to be very low. The concept I created was simple, and it needed to be in order to allow our audience to welcome the communications in a special way. The visuals of coins adding up a dollar are all it takes to invest in life insurance for your family. The simple line that reads WHAT YOU GET FOR A DOLLAR A DAY became the most important message, followed by "A dollar doesn't go very far these days but it can still buy you and your family affordable life insurance." To highlight the coins even further, motion graphics were used to create waves around the coins.
Since we had an already established relationship with a 3rd party insurance company, we were able to collaborate with copy-writing that supported the messaging.
The main communication piece for this campaign was to be a mailer with a coupon and a business reply envelope. The letter included a handy worksheet form that customers could fill out to analyze how much life insurance they need.
After the letter was mailed, we followed up with those same customers via an email that included similar creative and messaging.
We also supported the campaign at our branch locations with digital posters and buck slips, while on our consumer website, we promoted as an ongoing promotion mention (via a hero image that customers were able to click through to a detail page that linked to the insurance company site).
Exterior Mailer Envelope
Mailer Letter with detachable form
Website showing Insurance Awareness Month advertising